Angel Fountain

Tour through the park

The Angel Fountain is probably one of the sculptural features with which the park as a whole was provided around 1777.

A description from 1784 by Johann says

‘ arrives at a large open space, where on one side there is green trellis-work with a large portal and six large alcoves in which seats are placed. Within the large portal is a very large rose-coloured water basin mottled with white; above this two little children sit upon a whale from which the water trickles into the basin.’

The Fountain

The trellis-work mentioned in this excerpt was replaced with the iron fencing around 1820/30. The presumably original shell-shaped basin, which was transferred from the Renaissance palace of Neugebäude in Simmering  (located in the southern outskirts of Vienna), was removed for reasons of conservation in the mid-1990s and replaced with a replica.

Further interesting literature:

  • Johann Bernoulli. Sammlung kurzer Reisebeschreibungen und anderer zur Erweiterung der Länder- und Menschenkenntnis dienender Nachrichten. Band 14. Leibzig 1784)
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